Continuing Education
It is important to us to support each individual employee and help his / her continued development in the best possible way. With our development policy, we define joint actions to maintain and expand your professional skills. We also support you in achieving your professional goals, taking into account your abilities, skills, and potential. No matter whether you are at the beginning of your career at Erdrich or have been with us for some time: we want you to feel happy with us, to contribute your knowledge, and to fully develop your strengths - at all levels of seniority.
What we offer at Erdrich:
Annual employee development interview
We want to develop our employees strategically and systematically. During the annual employee development interview, you discuss your qualification needs with your manager and jointly define future goals, key responsibilities, and development strategies.
Personal Development Based on Life Phase
You will receive individual support on every phase of your professional career, so that you are always meticulously prepared for the specific professional and personal challenges you will face.
Erdrich Academy
Our Erdrich Academy is a central platform where knowledge is made transparent and new knowledge networks can emerge. We promote the exchange of knowledge and information within our company through events organized by employees for employees.
Gaining Qualifications
Our aim is to prepare our employees proactively and comprehensively for future challenges at Erdrich and use a systematic approach to help them develop because as far as we are concerned, highly qualified employees are a key factor in our company's success. We help you build up your networks and support your professional and personal development with target-group-specific programs and cross-site participation groups.
Diverse Development Opportunities
Would you like to change your career? Then stay with us. We offer our employees the opportunity to change jobs within our group of companies. To ensure that your change of role is successful, we plan your career together and define your further development strategies, so that you have the best possible preparation for the new challenges.